Thursday, July 5, 2012

Essendon Training Session ~ June 6, 2012

Sorry this one is way out of order.

Today we went to an Essendon practice.  Their coach and Hall of Fame player, James Hird, talked to us about the game since most of us had never seen the game and no idea what was going on. He was very welcoming and humble. He was so down to earth, that none of us had any idea how big of a deal he was in Australia until we went to their sports museum the next day and found a hologram of him talking about his career.

AFL football, similar to the footballs we have in the U.S. but made with a different material and the ends seem more rounded.

AFL legend, James Hird.

Essendon team practicing

One of the players was nice enough to take a picture with us :)

Royal Life Saving - Beach Safe and Jellyfish talks ~ June 22, 2012

Today was the group's last full day in Cairns.  We went to the beach and learned how to save people using a special type of surf board.  It was fun to learn the techniques the life guards use and see if we would be able to save each other.  After swimming and playing around on the surf boards, we learned about the danderous animals that live off the coast of northern Australia.  We got to see (trapped in a jar) a species of jellyfish that will stop your heart in 90 seconds if you get stung.  During the summer months, when these jellyfish are more common near the beach, special nets are setup to try to keep swimmers safe. 

After surf lifesaving, relaxing at the park along the lagoon in Cairns
I could really get used to this scenery

View of Cairns from the park, so relaxing :)

Later, we all went out for dinner and a few drinks.  These iceys were amazing!
Cody and I at dinner

A few of my new best friends from the trip, so sad its our last night together :(

Jenna and I

Shara and I on the dance floor at Gilligans.  Only a few more hours until she had to board a plane and leave me :( Most amazing month, with the most amazing people I've ever met! I can't wait for our reunion, we're already planning it!

White Water Rafting ~ June 21, 2012

All ready to go rafting!

My first time white water rafting was a HUGE success, I can't wait to go again sometime!

Rafting down a stream in the mountains in Cairns. So pretty and fun!

Beautiful waterfall

Megan and I getting ready to jump off the huge rock together

After rafting with our awesome guide :) Best crew EVER

After a day of rafting, we all went out to our favorite bar in Cairns, PJ O'Brien's, for Happy Hour.

Hartley's Crocodile Farm ~ June 20, 2012

Baby crocodile!!

Hartley's is not only a place for tourists to come see huge crocodiles, but it is also a farm.  There was a different area for each age group of crocodiles.  They stay here until they are matured and can either be sold for their skin and other body parts or put out with the big crocs.

Oldest and largest crocodile on the farm.  Around 100 years old!!

We went on a boat tour and fed the crocodiles. They can go a year without eating, because crocodiles get most of their energy from the sun, not food.

Cute little koala, they sleep 23 hours per day

Feeding a kangeroo at Hartley's.  They were so friendly!

The baby kangeroo kind of looked like a rat

He was nice though :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef ~ June 19, 2012

It was cold and windy, but we were pumped and ready to go diving. My first experience was amazing to say the least!
Shara and I ready to go!

Holding onto the rope that anchored our boat.  To prevent damaging the reef with anchors, there are preplaced blocks on the ocean floor for boats to tie up to.
I love you, Australia :)

The clams were huge!

So colorful

Ahh, so amazing!

We found Nemo!

Just swimming under water for 30 minutes...weirdest feeling ever! Its the closest feeling to zero gravity you will get without being in space.

Kneeling on the ocean big deal :)
Inside the boat that took us 25 miles offshore to the Great Barrier Reef
The group after a day of snokeling and scuba diving. I can't wait to go again someday!

Its just as colorful and pretty as it looks on the Discovery Channel. The grayish areas in the water is the reef!

Fitzroy Island ~ June 18, 2012

 We rode this boat out to Fitzroy Island. I have never been sea sick, but these boats do it for me.

Once out on the island, we went kayaking around it. My partner and I fell out somehow, but the water was amazing so we didn't care :)

While kayaking Manta Rays swam underneath us, it was so cool! 
This was the beautiful view we had while laying out on the beach

These are the amazing friends I made while in Australia! Such an awesome experience