Thursday, July 5, 2012

Essendon Training Session ~ June 6, 2012

Sorry this one is way out of order.

Today we went to an Essendon practice.  Their coach and Hall of Fame player, James Hird, talked to us about the game since most of us had never seen the game and no idea what was going on. He was very welcoming and humble. He was so down to earth, that none of us had any idea how big of a deal he was in Australia until we went to their sports museum the next day and found a hologram of him talking about his career.

AFL football, similar to the footballs we have in the U.S. but made with a different material and the ends seem more rounded.

AFL legend, James Hird.

Essendon team practicing

One of the players was nice enough to take a picture with us :)

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